Safety Guidelines

Facts you should know

  1. your safety representative
  2. your departmental safety officers
  3. first aid box locations
  4. safety supplies box locations
  5. emergency escape routes
  6. fire alarm glass locations
  7. fire extinguisher locations
  8. security alarm glass locations
  9. the number of students attending a class cannot exceed the maximum number of seats in a CSLab terminal room
  10. you need to complete the online safety training course on Canvas to gain access to CSLab and any CS research labs
  11. you are not allowed to have meals in CSLab, CS research labs, and CS meeting rooms

Report unsafe conditions or working practices to your safety representative

Emergency telephone numbers
University Security Office 3442 8888 (Day and Night)
University Health Center 3442 6066 (During Office Hours)
CS Safety Officer Mr. C.M. Hui 3442 9501 / cscmhui[at]





Safety, Health & Environmental Protection Induction

Safety, Health & Environmental Protection Induction videos are available on the CityU FMO website.

Safety, Health, and Environment

In the Event of a Fire

  1. Remain calm
  2. Alert persons nearby by shouting "Fire"
  3. Evacuate the immediately threatened area
  4. Break the fire alarm glass
  5. Make an immediate attack on the fire if safe to do so
  6. Close doors to isolate fire and smoke
  7. Exit the building
    - Lifts are not to be used
    - Assist persons with special needs
  8. Do not re-enter the building until the clearance is given

In the event of an Internal Disaster

Contamination of the Environment, Leakage of Gases, Explosion, etc.

  1. Remain calm
  2. Alert person nearby
  3. Evacuate the immediately threatened area
  4. Summon laboratory technician to give details of
    - Nature of the disaster
    - Exact location
    - Persons at risk
  5. Do not re-enter the threatened area until the clearance is given

In the event of Medical

  1. Assess the situation. If the condition of the casualty appears to be complex, dial 0-999 for an ambulance first
  2. Contact the CityU Health Center at 3442 6066 for advice by giving details of your observations
  3. Send the person to seek immediate medical attention at the CityU Health Center if he/ she can be moved. (If the injury has resulted from a fall, do not move the person)
  4. Accompany the person to the Hospital if further investigation at casualty is recommended by the medical staff of CityU Health Center

In the event of Electrical Injuries

  1. Do not touch the casualty's flesh with your hands if he/ she is suspected of being electrocuted
  2. Break the contact (i.e. by standing on a wooden box or a rubber/ plastic mat and using a broom on a wooden chair to push the casualty's limbs away from the source)
  3. Immediately commence cardiopulmonary resuscitation if you know how to do it and confirm that heart and breathing have stopped
  4. Alert persons nearby to contact:
    - CityU Health Centre 3442 6066 (office hours only)
    - Ambulance 999 (after office hours) and CityU Security Office 3442 8888

In the event of Ionizing Radiation

Machines producing ionizing radiation

  1. Switch off the machine to eliminate the radiation source
  2. Record estimates of your times and positions of exposure
  3. Record conditions of machine operation (e.g. kV, mA)
  4. Seek further advice

Contamination by radioactive material

  1. Remain alone in the laboratory until monitoring and decontamination arrangements can be made
  2. Immediately begin simple decontamination action
    - Remove protective clothing (Leave in the laboratory)
    - Wash contaminated skin thoroughly with tap water
  3. Alert persons nearby to contact the radiation protection officer